Introducing our fishing guides...
Have you ever wanted to catch a Barra or Mangrove Jack or what about a Nannygai or Coral Trout? Well what better location than stunning, picturesque and Jurassic Hinchinbrook.

Robert will be your inshore guide taking you amongst the mangroves chasing that trophy Barra or Mangrove Jack. You may even spot a Dugong or Turtle or a Croc warming itself on the mud flats. He loves using soft plastics where we have onboard various styles and colours for you to use on your fishing experience.

Damien will be your offshore guide taking you out to the various reef spots or playing around the islands. He loves the excitement of hooking up to a big red or if you are really keen a GT. Sometimes we see whales on their migration or dolphins playing. On board you will have the option of bait or lure fishing depending on what you are chasing.